Member Associations

of Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association

Willow Grove Chapter


National Certification for Music Teachers

The Willow Grove Chapter is an affiliate of the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association (PMTA) and  the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA).  These organization recognize professionalism and achievement of their members through a National Certification.  Those teachers who have completed the certification process in good standing are listed with NCTM (Nationally Certified Teacher of Music) following their names.   

How Important is MTNA Certification?

"The MTNA Professional Certification Program exists to improve the level of professionalism within the field of music teaching.  Certification helps readily identify competent music teachers within the community and provides these teachers with prestige, recognition and the potential for student recruitment and increased earning power."

The certification application costs $200.00.

     The requirements are:

     1) Write Yourt Teaching Philosophy;

     2) Analyze Four teaching Pieces;

     3) Present your teaching in a video;

     4) Share information about your teaching environment;

     5) Discuss your businessethics and studio policy

The MTNA Professional Certification program is objectively administered in a uniform manner to ensure fairness, accuracy, validity and integrity. Due process for reconsideration and reinstatement is included in the program for certification candidates, renewal candidates and for those who already hold the MTNA Professional Certification credential.

To Apply for MTNA Certification

·     Visit:

·     Phone: 888-512-5287

·     Write: MTNA Certification Request, 441 Vine St., Suite 3100, Cincinnati OH 45202-3004

·     Please contact Certification Chairperson Cheryl Woodford at

       for more information regarding the application process.